November 2021

Postpartum Depression affecting Women Productivity: Need of Restructuring Maternal Healthcare Services in Pakistan

The  postpartum  period  is  a  critical  time  for  a  woman,  her  newborn and   her   family,   on   a   physiological,   emotional   and   social   level.   Postpartum  problems  like  poor  physical  and  mental  health  lead  to  poor  postpartum  quality  of  life  in  women,  which  has  a  devastating  effect  on  the  health  related  quality  of  life  of  mother,  newborn  and 

Postpartum Depression affecting Women Productivity: Need of Restructuring Maternal Healthcare Services in Pakistan Read More »

Social Enterprises-The R & D Labs for Women Growth & Development

According to UN, Women’s empowerment has five components: women’s sense of self-worth; their right to have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home; and their ability to influence  the direction of social

Social Enterprises-The R & D Labs for Women Growth & Development Read More »

Gender Equity & Constitution of Pakistan 1973: What does the document says?

The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan is predicated on a patriarchal view of women’s role in Pakistani society but its chapter on fundamental rights provides a number of safeguards to ensure that women are treated equally and to eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex in all spheres of life. The constitution contains a long list

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Endorsement by National Bioethics Committee of Pakistan

We are pleased to share that Women Healthcare Professionals Resource Hub has been endorsed by National Bioethics Committee of Pakistan and an MoU will be signed to promote research by women healthcare professionals and increase access to funding opportunities provided by Govt of Pakistan.Be a part of this hub, showcase yourself through our special features

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