Editorial Board

NEDAwareness Week Poster Competition 2021

To celebrate NEDAwareness Week 2021, a poster competition was organized by CEDI on the themes “Everybody has a seat on the table” and “Beauty is in your head, not in the mirror”. The judge for the competition was Dr. Shazia Jamshed, Associate Professor, Sultan Zainal Abidin University, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. Dr. Shazia is a renowned […]

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NEDAwareness Eating Disorders Week 2021

Together lets break the stigma of body shaming and promote body positivity in our community. This week CEDI is celebrating National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. NEDA awareness week is being celebrated from February 22nd-28th, 2021 to increase representation of community suffering from eating disorders through the theme “Everybody has a seat at the table”. Join

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1st Anniversary Celebrations of Cyntax Health Projects

The 1 st anniversary of Cyntax Health Projects PVT LTD was celebrated on February 9 th ,2021 at Garrison Mess, Rawalpindi. Different entrepreneurs from the field of health,education, pharmaceuticals and research were invited. The journey of Cyntax alongwith future initiatives was shared with the audience by Chief Business DevelopmentOfficer. An activity to highlight the perspective

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Breast Cancer Awareness Day 2020

Breast cancer awareness day 2020 was organized by Cyntax Health Projects in collaboration with Green Plus Community Pharmacy. The community attending the event were given awareness regarding different types of breast cancer, symptoms and self examination method along with questions to ask from their healthcare provider regarding cancer. Real survivor stories and stories of caregivers

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Launch of YouTube Channel “The Change”

“The Change” is a professional platform developed by a group of pharmacy academicians & researchers along with IT professionals in collaboration with Cyntax Health Projects Pvt Ltd in order to advocate and promote role of Pharmacist in Pakistan by highlighting their active participation and contributions. The channel will include content related to Islam and Research,

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